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『壹』 債券型基金英語文獻(急)



To treasury bonds, financial bonds and other fixed-income instruments such as the main investment fund known as bond funds, investment procts because of their relatively stable earnings, also known as the "fixed benefit fund." According to the proportion of different stock investments, bond funds can be divided into pure bond funds and partial Bonds Fund. The difference between the two, not pure debt funds in the stock market, and partial debt funds can invest in a small number of stocks. Partial debt funds in accordance with the advantage of the stock market movements can be flexibility to asset allocation, risk control conditions to share the opportunities offered by the stock market.
In general, bond funds do not charge subscription or purchase, the cost of the redemption rates are lower.

Bond Fund has the following characteristics:
(A) low-risk, low income. As bond funds, the investment target - bond yields stable, the risks are also smaller, therefore, less risky bond funds, but because the bonds are fixed-income procts, relative to equity funds, bond funds low-risk but not the rate of return high.
(2) lower cost. As bond investment management managing complex than equity investments, bond fund management fees are relatively low, our country's bond funds
(C) income stability. Invest in regular bonds have interest returns, e also committed to debt service, and therefore the bond proceeds fund more stable.
(D) focus on current income. ABF mainly seeking more current fixed income, compared to equity funds in terms of the lack of value-added potential, in not too much more suitable for adventure, the current stability of income for investors.

『貳』 關於債權出資的英文翻譯

The new" company law" promulgate make claims to become the company's investment forms an important content, along with our country economy development, the investment enthusiasm is rising, investment channel widen, to claim form to invest in companies were not uncommon. However the claim itself has the characteristic that debt financing compared to other property investment has risk, there are more questions. This paper from the creditor's rights investment theoretical basis, legal basis, of debt financing in legal feasibility; and combining the analysis of the characteristics of the creditor creditor's rights investment legal risk, and then find the address issues related to the legal path, in order to perfect our country's legal system of creditor s rights investment.

債權出資=Debt financing

法律基礎=Legal basis

法律風險=Legal risk

法律路徑=Legal path

『叄』 債券相關的英語詞彙,關於股票的英語單詞有哪些

bond, debenture, debts債券
negotiable share可流通股份
convertible bond可轉換債券
treasury/government bond國庫券/政府債券
corporate bond企業債券
closed-end securities investment fund 封閉式證券投資基金
open-end securities investment fund 開放式證券投資基金
fund manager基金經理/管理公司
fund custodian bank 基金託管銀行
market capitalization 市值
p/e ratio 市盈率(price/earning)
payment versus delivery 銀券交付
clearing and settlement 清算/結算
commodity/financial derivatives 商品/金融衍生產品
put / call option 看跌/看漲期權
margins, collateral 保證金
rights issue/offering 配股
bonus share 紅股
ADR美國存托憑證/存股證(American Depository Receipt)
GDR全球存托憑證/存股證(Global Depository Receipt)
retail/private investor 個人投資者/散戶
institutional investor機構投資者
broker/dealer 券商
proprietary trading 自營
insider trading/dealing 內幕交易
market manipulation 市場操縱
IPO 新股/初始公開發行(Initial Public Offering)
merger and acquisition收購兼並
All Ordinaries Index (澳大利亞)股市指數
Amex(American Stock Exchange) 美國股票交易所
amortize 攤提,分期償還債務
annuity 年金享受權
asking price 賣主的開叫價
assess 對(財產等)進行估價,確定(款項)的金額
back 拖欠的
bad loan 呆賬,壞賬
lout 幫助……擺脫困境
balloon (分期付款中)最後數目特大的一筆
barometer 晴雨表,[喻]標記,指標
basis point 基點(一個百分點的百分之一)
bear markets 熊市
blue-chip (股票等)熱門的,(在同行中)最賺錢的
forex foreign exchange
bond 債券,公債
bourse 交易所,證券交易所
bull markets 牛市
bullish 牛市的
bunji-change 快速的大幅度變化
CAC-40 Index (法國)股市指數
CD(certificate-of-deposit) 大額存款單
Chicago Mercantile Exchange 芝加哥商業交易所
Consumer Price Index 消費者價格指數
contagion 蔓延
correction 調整
coupon rate 券根利率
CTA(Commodities Trading Advisor) 農礦產品交易顧問
Currency board 貨幣委員會
DAX index (法蘭克福)德國股市指數
dead loan 死帳
delist 從上市證券表中除名
derivatives 衍生金融商品(由利率或債券、外匯或匯率以及股票或股價指數等現貨市場衍生出來,主要有期貨futures、期權option trading與掉期swap三種類型,品種多達100餘種,股票與證券行業英語詞彙。)
discount 貼現
discount rate 貼現率
DJIA Dow-Jones Instrial Average 道•瓊斯公用事業股價平均數,英語詞彙《股票與證券行業英語詞彙》(http://m.unjs.com)。通常簡稱Dow(道),是30個主要工業公司股票價格的組合。
Dow-Jones Composite Average of 65 representative stocks 65種有代表性的股票的道•瓊斯公用事業股價平均數
Dow-Jones Transpositions Average 道•瓊斯運輸業股價平均數
Dow-Jones Utilities Average 道•瓊斯公用事業股價平均數
down 付現款
equity (押款金額以外的)財產價值,證券,股票
escrow 由第三者保存、等條件完成後即交受讓人的契據(或證書等)
face value 面值
Federal Agency Issues 聯邦機構債券
fluctuation 起伏
fluctuate 起伏
fraud 欺騙,欺詐
fraulence 欺騙(欺詐)行為
fraulent 欺詐的
FTSI Financial Times 100 Share Index (英國)金融時報100種股票指數
good 有效的
Hang Seng Index (香港)恆生指數
holdings 佔有的財產,股票
Ibbotson Small Company Index Ibbotson Company Index中包括近2700家公司:即在紐約股市上交易的最後的20%股票
imburse 賠償
initial share 原始股
IRA Indivial Retirement Account 個人退休賬號
junk bond 假債券
junk bonds 垃圾債券
lien 扣押權,留置權
liquidate 清算,破產
list (交易所)上市證券;把(證券)列人上市證券表
long position 多頭
margin 差額,保險
mutual fund 公共基金
NASD=National Association of Securities Dealers 全美證券交易者協會
NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations) 納斯達克(全美證券交易者協會自動化摘要)
NAV (Net Asset Value) 凈資產值
new issue ( IPOInitial Public Offering)新上市股票
Nikkei Stock Aver age 日經股票平均指數
nosedive (價格等)暴跌
NYSE』Volume 紐約股票交易量
NYSE』s composite index 紐約股票交易綜合指數
NYSE(New York Stock Exchange) 紐約股票交易所(也稱或Big Board)
obligation 契約,債券
outstanding 拖欠的
par value 票面價值
plummet 驟然跌落
policy 保險單
pool 集合基金
portfolio 有價證券
preferred stock 優先股票
premium 獎金,傭金,擔保費
premium 溢價
proceeds 收入,收益
rally (股票價格等)止跌,上揚
rebound 反彈
recoup 償還,補償
recovery 恢復
red-chip share 紅籌股
refund 償還
rescue package 一攬子救援計劃
resilience 回彈,復原力
resilient 有回彈力的,恢復活力的
risk 保險項目
run 擠提存款,擠兌,爭購
Russell 2000 Russell 2000種小資本股票
S&P 500(Standard & Poor』s 500 Composite Stock Price Index) 標准普爾股價指數
SEC(Federal Securities and Exchange Commission) 聯邦證券與交易委員會
securities 證券,債券
shares (英)股票=(美)stock
shore up 支撐
slash (大幅度)削減(工資等)
slump 暴跌,不景氣
SMI index (蘇黎士市)瑞士股票指數
solvent 有償還能力的
speculate 投機
speculation 投機
speculator 投機者
T-Bill (Treasury Bill) 美國短期國債(每星期發行一次)
T-bond (Treasury Bond) 美國長期國債(期限為20年或30年)
T-note (Treasury Note) 美國中期國債(期限為2年到10年)
Technology-heavy Nasdaq 以技術為主的Nasdaq
Technology-laden Nasdaq 以技術為主的Nasdaq
term 年限
tech-heavy NASDAQ 以技術股票為主的NASDAQ
technology-rich stocks 技術股票
technology-weighted index (NASDAQ) 反映技術股票的指數(NASDAQ)

『肆』 「可轉換公司債券投資的探討」英文怎麼翻譯

discussion on convertible bond investment
exploration on covertible bond investment

『伍』 會計科目英文縮寫

a/c, A/C account 帳戶、帳目
a/c, A/C account current 往來帳戶、活期存款帳戶
A&C addenda and corrigenda 補遺和勘誤
Acc. acceptance or accepted 承兌
Accrd.Int accrued interest 應計利息
Acct. account 帳戶、帳目
Acct. accountant 會計師、會計員
Acct. accounting 會計、會計學
Acct.No. account number 帳戶編號、帳號
Acct.Tit. account title 帳戶名稱、會計科目
ACN air consignment 航空托運單
a/c no. account number 帳戶編號、帳號
Acpt. acceptance or accepted 承兌
A/CS Pay. accounts payable 應付帳款
A/CS Rec. accounts receivable 應收帳款
ACT advance corporation tax 預扣公司稅
ACU Asia Currency Unit 亞洲貨幣單位
A.C.V actual cash value 實際現金價值
a.d., a/d after date 開票後、出票後
ADRS asset depreciation range system 固定資產分組折舊法
Adv. advance 預付款
ad.val.,A/V ad valorem to (according value)從價
Agt. agent 代理人
Agt. agreement 協議、契約
AJE adjusting journal entries 調整分錄
Amt. amount 金額、總數
Ann. annuity 年金
A/P account paid 已付賬款
A/P account payable 應付帳款
A/P accounting period 會計期間
A/P advise and pay 付款通知
A/R account receivable 應收帳款
A/R at the rate of 以……比例
a/r all risks (保險)全險
Arr. arrivals, arrived 到貨、到船
A/S, a/s after sight 見票即付
A/S,acc/s account sales 承銷帳、承銷清單,售貨清單
ass. assessment 估征、征稅
assimt. assignment 轉讓、讓與
ATC average total cost 平均總成本
ATM at the money 僅付成本錢
ATM Automatic Teller Machine 自動取款機(櫃員機)
ATS automated trade system 自動交易系統
ATS automatic transfer service 自動轉移服務
Attn. attention 注意
Atty. attorney 代理人
auct. auction 拍賣
Aud. auditor 審計員、審計師
Av. average 平均值
a.w. all wool 純羊毛
BA bank acceptance 銀行承兌匯票
bal. balance 余額、差額
banky. bankruptcy 破產、倒閉
Bat battery 電池
b.b. bearer bond 不記名債券
B.B., B/B bill book 出納簿
B/B bill bought 買入票據、買入匯票
b&b bed & breakfast 住宿費和早餐費
b.c. blind 密送的副本
BC buyer credit 買方信貸
B/C bills for collection 托收匯票
B.C. bank clearing 銀行清算
Bd. bond 債券
B/D bills discounted 已貼現票據
B/D bank draft 銀行匯票
b.d.i. both dates inclusive, both days inclusive 包括頭尾兩天
B/E bill of entry 報關單
b.e., B/E bill of exchange 匯票
BEP breakeven point 保本點、盈虧臨界點
b/f brought forward 承前
BF bonded factory 保稅工廠
Bfcy. Beneficiary 受益人
B/G, b/g bonded goods 保稅貨物
BHC Bank Holding Company 銀行控股公司
BIS Bank of International Settlements 國際清算銀行
. A. chartered accountant; chief accountant 特許會計師、主任(主管)會計師
C. A. commercial agent 商業代理、代理商
C. A. consumers' association 消費者協會
C/A capital account 資本帳戶
C/A current account 往來帳
C/A current assets 流動資產
C. A. D cash against documnet 交單付款
can. cancelled 注銷
cap. capital 資本
CAPM capital asset pricing model 固定資產計價模式
C. A. S. cost accounting standards 成本會計標准
c. b., C. B. cash book 現金簿
CBD cash before delivery 先付款後交貨
C. C. cashier's check 銀行本票
C. C contra credit 貸方對銷
c/d carried down 過次頁、結轉下期

『陸』 會計科目中英文對照表

現金 Cash in hand
銀行存款 Cash in bank
其他貨幣資金-外埠存款Other monetary assets - cash in other cities
其他貨幣資金-銀行本票 Other monetary assets - cashier『s check
其他貨幣資金-銀行匯票 Other monetary assets - bank draft
其他貨幣資金-信用卡 Other monetary assets - credit cards
其他貨幣資金-信用證保證金 Other monetary assets - L/C deposit
其他貨幣資金-存出投資款 Other monetary assets - cash for investment
短期投資-股票投資 Investments - Short term - stocks
短期投資-債券投資 Investments - Short term - bonds
短期投資-基金投資 Investments - Short term - funds
短期投資-其他投資 Investments - Short term - others
短期投資跌價准備 Provision for short-term investment
長期股權投資-股票投資 Long term equity investment - stocks
長期股權投資-其他股權投資 Long term equity investment - others
長期債券投資-債券投資 Long term securities investemnt - bonds
長期債券投資-其他債權投資 Long term securities investment - others
長期投資減值准備 Provision for long-term investment
應收票據 Notes receivable
應收股利 Dividends receivable
應收利息 Interest receivable
應收帳款 Trade debtors
壞帳准備- 應收帳款 Provision for doubtful debts - trade debtors
預付帳款 Prepayment
應收補貼款 Allowance receivable
其他應收款 Other debtors
壞帳准備- 其他應收款 Provision for doubtful debts - other debtors
其他流動資產 Other current assets
物資采購 Purchase
原材料 Raw materials
包裝物 Packing materials
低值易耗品 Low value consumbles
材料成本差異 Material cost difference
自製半成品 Self-manufactured goods
庫存商品 Finished goods
商品進銷差價 Difference between purchase & sales of commodities
委託加工物資 Consigned processiong material
委託代銷商品 Consignment-out
受託代銷商品 Consignment-in
分期收款發出商品 Goods on instalment sales
存貨跌價准備 Provision for obsolete stocks
待攤費用 Prepaid expenses
待處理流動資產損益 Unsettled G/L on current assets
待處理固定資產損益 Unsettled G/L on fixed assets
委託貸款-本金 Consignment loan - principle
委託貸款-利息 Consignment loan - interest
委託貸款-減值准備 Consignment loan - provision
固定資產-房屋建築物 Fixed assets - Buildings
固定資產-機器設備 Fixed assets - Plant and machinery
固定資產-電子設備、器具及傢具 Fixed assets - Electronic Equipment, furniture and fixtures
固定資產-運輸設備 Fixed assets - Automobiles
累計折舊 Accumulated depreciation
固定資產減值准備 Impairment of fixed assets
工程物資-專用材料 Project material - specific materials
工程物資-專用設備 Project material - specific equipment
工程物資-預付大型設備款 Project material - prepaid for equipment
工程物資-為生產准備的工具及器具 Project material - tools and facilities for proction
在建工程 Construction in progress
在建工程減值准備 Impairment of construction in progress
固定資產清理 Disposal of fixed assets
無形資產-專利權 Intangible assets - patent
無形資產-非專利技術 Intangible assets - instrial property and know-how
無形資產-商標權 Intangible assets - trademark rights
無形資產-土地使用權 Intangible assets - land use rights
無形資產-商譽 Intangible assets - goodwill
無形資產減值准備 Impairment of intangible assets
長期待攤費用 Deferred assets
未確認融資費用 Unrecognized finance fees
其他長期資產 Other long term assets
遞延稅款借項 Deferred assets debits
應付票據 Notes payable
應付帳款 Trade creditors
預收帳款 Adanvances from customers
代銷商品款 Consignment-in payables
其他應交款 Other payable to government
其他應付款 Other creditors
應付股利 Proposed dividends
待轉資產價值 Donated assets
預計負債 Accrued liabilities
應付短期債券 Short-term debentures payable
其他流動負債 Other current liabilities
預提費用 Accrued expenses
應付工資 Payroll payable
應付福利費 Welfare payable
短期借款-抵押借款 Bank loans - Short term - pledged
短期借款-信用借款 Bank loans - Short term - credit
短期借款-擔保借款 Bank loans - Short term - guaranteed
一年內到期長期借款 Long term loans e within one year
一年內到期長期應付款 Long term payable e within one year
長期借款 Bank loans - Long term
應付債券-債券面值 Bond payable - Par value
應付債券-債券溢價 Bond payable - Excess
應付債券-債券折價 Bond payable - Discount
應付債券-應計利息 Bond payable - Accrued interest
長期應付款 Long term payable
專項應付款 Specific payable
其他長期負債 Other long term liabilities
應交稅金-所得稅 Tax payable - income tax
應交稅金-增值稅 Tax payable - VAT
應交稅金-營業稅 Tax payable - business tax
應交稅金-消費稅 Tax payable - consumable tax
應交稅金-其他 Tax payable - others
遞延稅款貸項 Deferred taxation credit
股本 Share capital
已歸還投資 Investment returned
利潤分配-其他轉入 Profit appropriation - other transfer in
利潤分配-提取法定盈餘公積 Profit appropriation - statutory surplus reserve
利潤分配-提取法定公益金 Profit appropriation - statutory welfare reserve
利潤分配-提取儲備基金 Profit appropriation - reserve fund
利潤分配-提取企業發展基金 Profit appropriation - enterprise development fund
利潤分配-提取職工獎勵及福利基金 Profit appropriation - staff bonus and welfare fund
利潤分配-利潤歸還投資 Profit appropriation - return investment by profit
利潤分配-應付優先股股利 Profit appropriation - preference shares dividends
利潤分配-提取任意盈餘公積 Profit appropriation - other surplus reserve
利潤分配-應付普通股股利 Profit appropriation - ordinary shares dividends
利潤分配-轉作股本的普通股股利 Profit appropriation - ordinary shares dividends converted to shares
期初未分配利潤 Retained earnings, beginning of the year
資本公積-股本溢價 Capital surplus - share premium
資本公積-接受捐贈非現金資產准備 Capital surplus - donation reserve
資本公積-接受現金捐贈 Capital surplus - cash donation
資本公積-股權投資准備 Capital surplus - investment reserve
資本公積-撥款轉入 Capital surplus - subsidiary
資本公積-外幣資本折算差額 Capital surplus - foreign currency translation
資本公積-其他 Capital surplus - others
盈餘公積-法定盈餘公積金 Surplus reserve - statutory surplus reserve
盈餘公積-任意盈餘公積金 Surplus reserve - other surplus reserve
盈餘公積-法定公益金 Surplus reserve - statutory welfare reserve
盈餘公積-儲備基金 Surplus reserve - reserve fund
盈餘公積-企業發展基金 Surplus reserve - enterprise development fund
盈餘公積-利潤歸還投資 Surplus reserve - reture investment by investment
主營業務收入 Sales
主營業務成本 Cost of sales
主營業務稅金及附加 Sales tax
營業費用 Operating expenses
管理費用 General and administrative expenses
財務費用 Financial expenses
投資收益 Investment income
其他業務收入 Other operating income
營業外收入 Non-operating income
補貼收入 Subsidy income
其他業務支出 Other operating expenses
營業外支出 Non-operating expenses
所得稅 Income tax

『柒』 其中:三個月內到期的債券投資的翻譯是:什麼意思

Among them: bond investment e within three months

『捌』 請將 債權投資 翻譯成英語

investing of creditor或Investments in debt
The creditor's rights transferring is a system in our country "ContractLaw", which has promoted the creditor's rights circulation and encouraged investing of creditor.



地獄解剖類型電影 瀏覽:369
文定是什麼電影 瀏覽:981
什麼影院可以看VIP 瀏覽:455
受到刺激後身上會長櫻花的圖案是哪部電影 瀏覽:454
免費電影在線觀看完整版國產 瀏覽:122
韓國雙胞胎兄弟的愛情電影 瀏覽:333
法國啄木鳥有哪些好看的 瀏覽:484
能看片的免費網站 瀏覽:954
七八十年代大尺度電影或電視劇 瀏覽:724
歐美荒島愛情電影 瀏覽:809
日本有部電影女教師被學生在教室輪奸 瀏覽:325
畸形喪屍電影 瀏覽:99
美片排名前十 瀏覽:591
韓國電影新媽媽女主角叫什麼 瀏覽:229
黑金刪減了什麼片段 瀏覽:280
泰國寶兒的電影有哪些 瀏覽:583
3d左右格式電影網 瀏覽:562
跟師生情有關的電影 瀏覽:525
恐怖鬼片大全免費觀看 瀏覽:942
電影里三節是多長時間 瀏覽:583