A. 家庭理財系統的設計與實現的外文翻譯和文獻綜述(計算機畢業設計)
B. 求一些關於一卡通管理系統的英文參考文獻(不要連接)
It is ho nor for the a uthor to parti cipa te in the rese arch and const ruction of E-card system of Xia men Univer sity. And from it, the author de eply unde rstood the details of the construction and application of E-Card in the Campus. The E-Card System is an important part and fou ndation of the digital const ruction of campus .Also it pro vides compre hensive data collecti on platform for the digital campus.
Using the construction of E-Ca rd sy stem of Xiamen Univer sity as an example,this essay will illustrate design a nd implem ent of E-Card w hich include but no t limited to the history and development of E-Card,digital campus , design prin ciple of E- Card, function of E-Card ,platform construction of basic dat abase, the t opology of network,syste m se curity and the patulous application of E -Card system.
At the be gi nning of essay, the autho r anal yzes development of E-Card and the connection between E-Card s ystem and digital campus. S imultaneously, t he author an alyzes the present situation for application of campus E-Card. In chapter Ⅱ,the author discusses how to construct a k ind of ma naged E-card system by th e object of co nstruction, mode, prin ciple and mole of each function. Chapter Ⅲ mainly introces the design of key da tabase which is also calle d ba sic database and implement o f data-exchange between basic database and the u nits pro vided by it . Chapter Ⅳ mainly fo cus on the spe cial character of Xiam en Unive rsity』s E-Ca rd called rice-free-s upply syst em whose applicati on is an event of special significance. Also this system demonst rate s Xiamen University』s personali zed manag ement gi ving priority to the students. Now other campuses in China are rushing to imitate this kin d of system. In cha pter Ⅴ, t he author pre sents network of E-card. The network of E-card is very special w hich h is different from local area network. As the data transferred by network of E-card is financial date and it should be conn ected with bank network, high s tandard for safety is r equired in it. In this chapter, the auth or labors the design of private network and VPN. As people always focus on the safety issue for E-card system, chapter Ⅵ set out the comprehensive implement of safety for E-card system by network of system, server, terminal unit , operating system, databa se system, date transmission and excha nge, antiv irus system. E-card system reflects the situation of study and Life Living for the teachers and students in campus. The system can provide a decision-making basis for the manager by graph after the work of data mining and analysis of all data. All the contents will de monstrate in the last c hapter.
C. 求畢業論文--基於web的家庭理財系統的設計與開發的相關外文翻譯,
D. 銀行個人理財論文的參考文獻
Creating Your Budget on Paper
Creating a household budget on paper won't provide graphical budget reports found in budgeting or personal finance software, but creating a budget on paper has the advantage of being always available, not just when the computer is on.
Budgeting on Paper
To create a budget form with pen and paper or a word processor, you need to decide if you will budget the same amount for expenses and income for each month, or if you will be budgeting fluctuating amounts across the year. The method you decide on dictates the number of columns you will need in your budget form.
Setting up a budget on paper can be as simple as using your writing instrument of choice and a ruler to draw rows and columns. The advantage of this system is that it is portable and always available. The disadvantage is that as you tweak your budget or find new categories you need to budget for, you will need to rewrite parts of the budget or redo it entirely.
If you budget the same amount each month, draw two columns on paper, one for income and expense categories (paycheck, groceries, utilities) and one for the monthly budgeted amount for each category. If you are budgeting income or expenses will fluctuate monthly, you need a column for the budgeted categories and twelve columns to hold monthly amounts.
Add up total expenses and income in a total row at the bottom of the budgeted amounts column. If you are budgeting for all twelve months, total each month indivially. The total expense rows need to be compared to total income to be sure you are not over-budgeted.
Read more at Suite101: Creating Your Budget on Paper: Personal Financial Planning http://personal-budget-creation.suite101.com/article.cfm/budget_planning#ixzz0dLKVBCWL
Budget Form Print Outs
Printing out a blank budget form from a web site or word processing software provides a neat format for recording budget data. This is a good solution for those who want to create their budget by hand but don't want to have to redraw lines for columns and rows when the budget changes.
As with a completely hand-written budget, you need to decide if you will budget the same amount for expenses and income for each month, or if you will be budgeting fluctuating amounts across the year. If you go with a static budget amount month after month, you only require two columns - one for the budgeted category and one for the amount budgeted. Budgeting different monthly amounts calls for a category column and a column for each month in a year. Be sure to include a total row beneath the budgeted amounts so you can see if total expenses surpass total income.
Free Budget Planning Printables
Using Tables in Microsoft Word: Tips on using the Tables feature in Microsoft Word to create your budget form.
These free printable budget planning forms require the free Adobe Reader
To use forms for tracking your monthly spending after you create your budget: print out the form, fill in budgeted amounts that will not change and then make photocopies to avoid recording budgeted amounts each month.
Use Balance Pro's complete budget form with a personal financial analysis with the 8-page Money Management Planner to break down current spending, planned budget and changes in spending needed to reach budgeted amounts. Includes weekly and monthly expense records.
Detailed Budget Worksheet from Freddie Mac includes lines for brief notes.
Monthly Budget Worksheet from www.SocialServe.com includes a Monthly Spending Summary on the last page, with a spot to record surplus or shortfall.
Less detailed and very colorful Simple Monthly Budget worksheet from www.aba.com.
Read more at Suite101: Creating Your Budget on Paper: Personal Financial Planning http://personal-budget-creation.suite101.com/article.cfm/budget_planning#ixzz0dLKZC8mf
E. 求2007至今的家庭理財方面的英文參考文獻。。。在線等
F. 求一份關於商業銀行個人理財業務發展的外文文獻,最好有翻譯資料,5000字以上 謝謝[email protected]
G. 管理信息系統英文參考文獻
[1] Management Information System , Mcleod , Printice Hall , 1998
[2] Thomas R. Peltier.Information Security Risk Analysis.Rothstein Associates Inc,2001
[3] H. M. Hassan & Charles Hutchinson. Natural Resource and Environmental Information for Decision Making. A World Bank Publication, Washington D. C., USA, 1995
[4] Willian K, Michener, James W. Brunt & Susan G. Stafford. Environmental Information Management and Analysis: Ecosystem to Global Scales, Taylor & Franics Ltd, London, Britain,1994
[5] [美] Michael N. DeMers著,武法東、付宗堂、王小牛等譯. 地理信息系統基本原理(第二版). 北京:電子工業出版社,2001
[6] Michael F. Worboys. GIS: A Computing Perspective. Taylor & Franics Ltd, London, Britain,1995
[7] Robert Laurini, Derek Thompson. Fundamentals of Spatial Information Systems. Academic Press, London, 1993
(1)、《管理信息系統》(第三版) 薛華成主編 清華大學出版社 1999年;
(2)、《管理信息系統》 陳禹主編 中國人民大學出版社 1998年;
(3)、《信息系統開發方法――方法、策略、技術、工具與發展》 姜旭平編著;
清華大學出版社 1997年;
(4)、《計算機數據處理系統分析與設計》 王勇領編著 清華大學出版社
(5)、《管理信息系統導論》 黃梯雲主編 機械工業出版社 1985年;
(6)、《系統分析與設計》 季延平、郭鴻志合著 華秦書局 1995年;
H. 商業銀行個人理財 英文論文
Wealth Management is a type of financial planning that provides high net worth indivials and families with private banking, estate planning, legal resources, and investment management, with the goal of sustaining and growing long-term wealth. Whereas financial planning can be helpful for indivials who have accumulated wealth or are just starting to accumulate wealth, you must already have accumulated a significant amount of wealth for the wealth management process to be effective.
Examples of wealth managers include independent advisors like FFR [2] or large corporate entities like Citibank's Citigold and other extensions of retail banking services designed to focus on high-net worth retail customers. Such customers would be called internally in a bank 'mass affluent' or 'upper retail' clients because of their net worth, the number of potential procts they own from the bank, their assets under management and other methods of segmentation. The banks create separate branches, services and other 'benefits' to retain or attract these customers who are typically more profitable than other retail banking customers. However, wealth management clients are not Private Banking clients because they simply do not have the Net Worth or Assets under management to justify the level of banking services that Private Banks provide.
I. 畢業論文外文文獻,關於商業銀行個人理財方面的 如果有 能否發我一份 萬分感謝