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發布時間:2021-07-10 00:50:50

A. 誰能幫我翻譯一下

Ministry of instry and information center to promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises

About held "small and medium enterprises to promote the mainland listed financing and new SanBan offer transfer the practice operation series listing seminar" notice.
The relevant units:
Small and medium-sized enterprises to promote the small and medium plate, gem listing work, the further understanding of the new SanBan the latest market dynamic, grasps the enterprise restructuring before listing with private financing of the core content, improve the small and medium-sized enterprises listed financing the practice operation skills, combined with the practical situation of businesses choose the best public sector. Ministry of instry and information small and medium-sized enterprise development promotion center decided to hold "pushing the mainland small and medium-sized enterprises and the new SanBan listed financing for quotation transfer the practice operation series seminar". Now the matters related to notice the following:
A. Topic and content
Project a: capital operation. Build in one hundred-the obligatory course entrepreneurs evergreen enterprise
1. The capital market is how to change the rules of the enterprise life and death;
2. The wealth effects of instry integration with the enterprise reform the way of growth;
3. Enterprise should be how to select the suitable for their own financing channel? In the process of financing and to pay attention to what problem? Enterprise how to determine the whip round the equity pricing and rights before the distribution;
4. Nine swords tide before listing for-what good internal strength;
5. Enterprises to realize the rapid listed three models and methods.
Topic 2: public financial planning
1. The enterprise listed various stages of major financial work;
2. Enterprise before listing financial packaging skills;
3. Enterprise listed before in restructuring, reorganization, value added tax problems involving asset appraisal of planning;
4. Enterprise listed financial index requirements analysis;
5. Enterprise before listing financial, tax violations of matters management skill;
6. Enterprise equity transfer, asset injection involves tax problem planning;
7. Enterprise listed financial reason by no case analysis.
Project three: commercial legal interpretation
1. The main body of the qualifications listed. Independence and standard operation;
2. Issued enterprise listed audit idea, review process;
3. Listed FaShenWei focus on legal problems;
4. Gem related laws and regulations;
5. Before listing legal e diligence;
6. Public law evade. Legal design, and all the listed materials legal advice;
7. Legal reason is no typical case analysis.
Project four: listed sponsor
1. The choice and the intermediary agencies listed charges (choose intermediary organizations, the listed cost planning);
2. The company reorganized enterprises (Co., LTD, a joint stock limited company of the organization, enterprise share-holding system reorganization, restructuring of the enterprise mode. Case);
3. Private equity and enterprise gem listing of the conditions of the soft shape; Financial forecasts and enterprise valuation;
Investment agreement; Equity investment generalization and enterprise financing points; Enterprise gem listing soft threshold conditions-" seven new "(new economy, new energy, new technology, new material, new services, new countryside, the new business model) and the" three highs "(high-tech. High growth. High added value);
4. Enterprise business model design and reengineering;
5. Enterprise listed the feasibility evaluation judgment;
6. The overall planning, listed counselling, the listed distributed;
7. Never a will cause analysis and real case anatomy.
Project five: gem listing enterprise of the whole situation analysis success and enterprise is no reason no depth analysis
1. The gem listing conditions overall review;
2. 286 home success in the gem listing enterprise situation analysis;
3. 45 home declare gem listing was no enterprise is no reason the overall analysis and exposition of typical cases.
Project 6: the new SanBan listing price transfer practice
1. The new SanBan legal system. Management system;
2. New SanBan listing conditions, and the program and the cycles of time;
3. Market maker system and high-tech enterprise pricing, valuations;
4. The new SanBan for expenses cost and preferential policy;
5. The coupon offer of the contractor can take and proceres and e diligence content.

B. 誰能介紹一下氣盾壩

1. 氣盾壩簡介氣盾壩又叫氣動鋼盾橡膠壩是一種新型的擋水結構,屬於橡膠壩的改進產品,最近在國內外暢銷。主要由氣囊、盾板、控制系統等組成。控制系統調節氣囊的充氣、排氣,進而控制盾板的升降,來達到擋水排水的效果。具有安裝簡便、快捷、壽命長、易檢修、易控制、環保等特點。氣盾壩是綜合橡膠壩、鋼板壩二者之長的新型水工建築物。2008年,水利部將氣盾壩列入國家推廣計劃。氣盾壩吸收了傳統活動壩型之精華,摒棄了傳統活動壩型之不足,具有結構簡單,建設、安裝周期短;防洪渡汛能力突出,運行安全可靠;過水高度和運行狀態持續可控;具有更強的清污、排淤能力;擋水和過水能力更高;充排時間短,運行管理簡單;使用壽命超長,綜合效益高;抗震能力強,對基礎的適應性高;景觀效果佳等特點。

2. 主要部件1. 氣囊:由多層NN66或芳綸骨架材料及特種橡膠構成,採用多項授權專利進行製造。氣囊性能:工作壓力在0.7-0.8MPa間,設計安全充脹壓力8公斤,安全系數是橡膠壩的15倍;外層材料採用耐候和耐臭氧老化性能優越的EPDM聚合物,耐老化性能超過50年。2.材質:不銹鋼、碳鋼(表面聚脲或熱浸鋅)規格:每單元長可根據氣囊的長度變化,單元間採用高強度橡膠復合帶軟連接。結構:由厚16mm以上鋼板製作,弧形,迎水面焊接加強筋。

3.特點1.即使在沒有電的情況下可以准確自動控制水位(特別適合水力發電);2.模塊化設計,可以簡化安裝過程和減少後期維護;3.結構簡單,造價低,不阻水,不漏水;4.超薄的外形,可以很好的行洪,通過冰塊及雜物等;5.護板可以很好的保護橡膠氣囊免受漂浮物及雜物的侵害;6.閘門系統可以實現自動控制、耗電低、節約費用;7. 控制系統採用空氣作為充脹介質,不存在漏油問題,不會造成水和周圍環境的污染。



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