导航:首页 > 债券融资 > 发行国债英语翻译


发布时间:2021-07-12 14:49:19

『壹』 债券用英语怎么说


『贰』 发行债券的人英文是什么

issuer of bond

『叁』 国债用英语怎么说

国债 [简明汉英词典]
national debt
public debt

『肆』 债券和债务英语怎么翻译啊专业点的要


『伍』 美国国债一般翻译成什么 貌似一般都是u.s. treasury security那federal debt指什么啊


『陆』 国债、企业债 英语怎么说

国债:national debt, public debt;国库券:T-bills(在美国,中期国债:Treasury notes;长期国债:Treasury bonds)
次级无担保债券:subordinated debentures

『柒』 国债的英语翻译 国债用英语怎么说

一般来讲,债务是debt,比如说国债就是Government debt 或 national debt。但是国债也有别的说法。
China sold US Treasuries in August, recing its net holdings but remaining the largest foreign holder, Dow Jones Newswires reported citing the US Treasury Department.
在上述报导中,“美国国债”的英语表述为"US Treasuries",而“treasury”即“国债、国库券”的意思。此外,“国债”还可以表述为“national debt”或“state debt”。

『捌』 发行国债 英语怎么说

issue construction treasury bonds

『玖』 论文的英文翻译

China's policy of the bonds issue bonds and Countermeasures policy is effective in regulating the economy's main fiscal policy. When China's economic growth and social decline in the total demand, my choice of issuing treasury bonds as a proactive fiscal policy adjustments. Effective promotion of China's sustained and stable economic development, speed up the improvement of infrastructure construction, increase employment, improve the people's lives. When our economy was experiencing excessive investment, local overheating and inflation pressures intensify the situation, China implements a sound fiscal policy bonds to be effective in controlling the deficit and promote reform and economic growth. Really focus on treasury bonds funds of the state, ecation departments, public building, so that bonds play its maximum efficiency
My first chapter bonds Profiles from our bonds through stage, the issue size, types of bonds, issuing these bonds on our profile. The second chapter of the national debt profile developed Western countries rich variety of bonds, According to the Financial Object of the different bonds and the different characteristics of a flexible classification. And commercial banks, mutual fund management institutions, social security funds institutional investors are major holders of government bonds. Personal smaller share holders. In addition, the developed Western countries, the issuing of treasury bonds will mainly be taken by way of auction. My third chapter bonds existence of issuers of short-term, the deficit debt, consumer debt, bonds did not truly become policy of fiscal and monetary policy integration, rapid expansion of the scale of treasury bonds, the cumulative risks intensify, bonds, the irrational structure seriously weakened the bonds functions of the fourth chapter of China's treasury bonds next fiscal policy and financial authorities to the monetary authorities should strengthen the two most coordination; rich varieties of bonds, short-term bonds issued, the increase of market liquidity; expand the bond market institutional investors scope and scale.

Keywords : Overview of China's treasury bonds; Profiles developed bonds; The problem; Future Trend

『拾』 国债 英文翻译

国债 [guó zhài]
1. national debt
2. public debt

The national debts of that country are rolling up.
The transaction would involve a considerable lapse of time because the shares could not be sold until the state debt was paid.



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