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发布时间:2021-07-22 18:38:38

A. 初学storm,应该怎么一步步从入门到深入


B. 怎样写网络游戏公司的策划书啊









1969——1977 PLATO盘古开天地,ARPAnet混沌育未来


网络游戏的起源可追溯到1969年,当时瑞克·布罗米为PLATO(Programmed Logic for Automatic Teaching Operations)系统编写了一款名为《太空大战》(SpaceWar)的游戏,游戏以八年前诞生于麻省理工学院的第一款电脑游戏《太空大战》为蓝本,不同之处在于,它可支持两人远程连线。


PLATO在游戏圈内并未获得其应有的荣誉和地位,但这并不能抹杀它对网络游戏以及整个游戏产业所做出的贡献。PLATO上的不少游戏日后都被改编为了游戏机游戏和PC游戏,例如《空中缠斗》(Airfight)的作者在原游戏的基础上开发了《飞行模拟》(Flight Simulator),80年代初,这款游戏被微软收购并改名为《微软飞行模拟》,成为飞行模拟类游戏中最畅销的一个系列。1974年推出的《帝国》是第一款允许32人同时在线的游戏,这一联机游戏模式成为现代即时策略游戏的标准模式。1975年发布的《奥布里特》(Oubliette)是一款地牢类游戏,大名鼎鼎的角色扮演游戏《巫术》(Wizardry)系列即源于此。

有趣的是,1969年也正是ARPAnet(Advance Research Projects Agency Network)诞生的年份。大家知道,ARPAnet是美国国防部高级研究计划署研制的世界上首个包交换网络,它的成功直接促成了互联网以及传输控制协议(即TCP/IP)的诞生。



1978——1992 Mud平地风云起,公司触网显商机



后来一些专业的游戏开发商和发行商开始涉足网络游戏,如Activision、Interplay、Sierra Online、Stormfront Studios、Virgin Interactive、SSI和TSR等,都曾在这一阶段试探性地进入过这一新兴产业,它们与GEnie、Prodigy、AOL和CompuServe等运营商合作,推出了第一批具有普及意义的网络游戏。当时的网络游戏出现了“可持续性”的概念,玩家所扮演的角色可以成年累月地在同一世界内不断发展,而不像PLATO上的游戏那样,只能在其中扮演一个匆匆过客;并且游戏可以跨系统运行,只要玩家拥有电脑和调制解调器,且硬件兼容,就能连入当时的任何一款网络游戏。



1993——1997 泥塘游戏陷泥塘,东方故事耀东方



1992年6月 中国开始第一次正式讨论如何接入internet的问题

1992年12月 中科院院网(CASNET)、清华大学校园网(TUNET)和北京大学校园网(PUNET)初步完成建设。

1994年6月28日 北京化工大学开通了与Internet相连接的试运行专线。

1995年 中科院的NCFC网络建成。

1995年下半年 中科院的网内开始流传一个台湾MUD的简体中文版-新东方故事2,这是mud进入内地的第一步。




ES2一被引进内地,就出现了无数的变体。比较典型的有《侠客行》,《西游记》 ,《风云》等。这些类型的MUD全部是在ES2的基础上发展而来的,他们构建的武侠世界结构上更为精微丰富,文化上也更容易获得国人的文化认同。 以后的每代天神和巫师(mud的管理者)都在不断改进自己管理的mud,期望能跳出ES2的影子,发展出自己心目中的理想架空世界来。




1998年 在线棋牌起联众 艰苦创业鲍岳桥


1998年 Mud还在大专院校默默传播

1998年 陈天桥还在证券公司忙碌

1998年 游戏迷们还在为《星际争霸》《三国志5》津津乐道









12月31日,联众同时在线的人数终于突破了1000人。联众刚开始做的时候,微软围棋站点五六千人同时在线,韩国IGS 600多人同时在线,台湾Acer1000多人同时在线,但是后来除了微软,其他站点发展都很慢。

1999年 网络创世初创世 精忠报国终报国


99年的中国 电脑房转型的网吧人满为患,明的暗的,合法的不合法的,雨点般的建立起来,网民成几何级数增长、网络聊天、网络交友、电子商务这一个一个的名词刺激着人们的神经,令他们心痒难耐。

99年的中国,数字化成为最时髦的名词 ,“.com”成为财富和成功的象征,数字英雄传说不断,烧钱神话此起彼伏。










2000年 万王三国双雄立,黑暗韩流走麦城
















2001年 千年红月韩流起,石器时代战国兴




中国的网游市场如此光大,几乎能吸引非玩家的网络游戏都能获得成功,大量当时刚刚上网的ggmm们都喜欢上了《石器时代》。很快《石器时代》的在线人数就突破6万大关,远远的超过了《网络三国》,“石器”成了当时网络游戏的代名词。 2001年2月27日北京华义规定了游戏的收费制度,由于这份制度和华义原来承诺的收费方式有颇多不同,引起了《石器时代》玩家的普遍不满,但华义却毫无反映,矛盾开始进一步激化,各地的玩家开始向消协投诉,虽然当时消协还并没有处理此类问题的规章,但华义还是很快意识到了问题的严重,发表了一系列补救措施,允诺所有3月13日之前注册的玩家都可以获得免费的50小时游戏时间。可以说,玩家的维权行动取得了成功。这件事影响不大但意义深远,标志着玩家服务意识的觉醒,对游戏服务质量要求的提高。今后,这类维权事件还将不断发生,伴随着每个运营商的成长和前行。


《碰碰I世代》最终没能成功,这证明休闲社区性的网络游戏难有建树,PK 探险的RPG才能在中国成功发展。其实笔者认为,并非休闲社区在中国没有市场,而是网站社区竞争者太多,而且多为免费,不论是网易社区,chinaren社区,qq的社区都各有特点,一款网络游戏来满足玩家的社区交流欲望并没有特别的竞争力。








2002年 大话幻灵国军出阵,盛大传奇乱世称雄



2002年2月 盛大因成功运营获得年度中国网络游戏商业大奖


2002年8月 同时在线人数达51万人,注册用户4000万人。






C. 手机黑莓8700都能装什么软件,用过的进

壹厘报Vfree3.0 for SureType
壹厘报Vfree3.0 for 全键盘
Upvise2.5 for 全系列
魔橙(Morange) V(5.0.4) for 全键盘
魔橙(Morange) V(5.0.4) for SureType
BeFTP V2.2 黑莓上的FTP客户端 for 全系列
手机网易帐号通 FOR ST for SureType
手机网易帐号通 FOR 全键盘 for 全键盘
校内手机端1.3.1beta for SureType
校内手机端1.3.1beta for 全键盘
Salman首发-中国电信-E会通(简约版) for 全键盘
Salman首发-中国电信-E会通(商务版) for 全键盘
翻盖珍珠黑莓8220完美软件之掌上新浪 for 全系列
PingCo(宾果)v2.1 for SureType
PingCo(宾果)v2.1 for 全键盘
Yahoo Go! for 8700
Yahoo Go! for 7130 for 全系列
Yahoo Go! for 8100
Yahoo Go! for 8300
Yahoo Go! for 8800
Horom|火种|同步电话本 for 全键盘
BBWeather 修改汉化版,支持CMWAP for 全键盘
壹厘报 3.0 公测版 全键盘 for 全键盘
壹厘报 3.0 公测版 增强键盘 for SureType
叽歪黑莓客户端 for 全系列
Mfreegate 0.9测试版 for 全系列
掌讯通 1.2.4 全屏版 for 全键盘
凤凰移动站2.1全键盘全屏正式版 for 全键盘
壹厘报2.01 for 全系列
凤凰移动台 for 8300
凤凰移动台2.0增强键盘 for SureType
BerryStore for 全系列
Google Sync for os4.5 for 全系列
Google Sync for os4.2 for 全系列
手机大头(mini) for SureType
Google Mobile App 3.1.135 for 全系列
mimo0.3 for 全系列
BerrySpeedy网速测试 for 全系列
维基网络黑莓版 for 8700
GG财神爷 for SureType
e-Mobile Weather for 全系列
FaceBook for 全系列
火种 for SureType
QQ斗地主 for 8100
掌中新浪 2.0 for 全系列
Google Moblie App 3.1.131 for 全系列
Google Mobile Updater 2.1.4 for 全系列

老软新发——科学计算器Students Calculator 全键盘 for 全键盘
ActionPad for 全系列
EveryNote3Storm for 9500
EveryNote for Bold,8900 for 全键盘
Documents To Go v 1.007.036 for 全系列
Anyview 3.2.27 for 全系列
mototxt 看书软件 for 全系列
BBNotePad 1.12(已签名) for 全系列
PDF To GO for 全系列
解三元一次方程组软件 for 全系列
KKJconv日语输入法 for 全系列
Mobile Basic 1.8 for 全系列
计算软件Pocket10CSE_V110 for8700 for 8700
计算软件Pocket12CSE_V110 for8700 for 8700
gWhiz计算器(gcalc) for SureType
RepliGo Reader for 全系列

Swooshphotos|照片管理 for 全系列
手机酷狗音乐 v2.03 内测版 for ST for SureType
手机酷狗音乐 v2.03 内测版 for qwerty for 全键盘
xPlayer 1.4 for Storm for 9500
xPlayer 1.4 for 4.6 for 全系列
xPlayer 1.4 for 4.2 for 全系列
xPlayer 1.4 for 4.3-4.5 for 全系列
Quick live视频直播0.0.3测试版 for 全系列
BM Mp3剪切工具 for 全系列
手机千千静听 for SureType
Vibe BB上的Midi编辑软件 for 全系列
Videoplayer 播放器 for 全系列
SpinPen绘画工具 for 全系列
MP3Cut for 全系列
Flipside播放器 for 全系列
趴趴歌词秀|音乐播放器(带歌词)+电子书 for 8100
KD Player 0.82 for 全系列

DAVID 语音、短信、数据流量统计软件 for 4.7 for 全系列
DAVID 语音、短信、数据流量统计软件 for 4.6 for 全系列
DAVID 语音、短信、数据流量统计软件 for 4.2-4.5 for 全系列
Dexrex 短信备份 OS4.7 for 9500
Dexrex 短信备份 OS4.2+ for 全系列
清除led灯的持续闪烁的软件Ledrest for 全系列
theme reader for 全系列
MemoryUp Pro v3.0.0|内存整理专业汉化版 for 全系列
AutoStandby2.4.1 for 全系列
邮件个性化提醒:Pimp My Mail for 全系列
更新 OntoCalendar 3.7.18 仅适用于 OS 4.5 及以上 for 全系列
点讯梅花输入法BlackBerry全键盘版V1.0.0003 for 全键盘
QuickPull v2 (BETA) v2.0.13 FOR OS 4.5/4.6 for 全系列
QuickPull v2 (BETA) v2.0.13 FOR OS 4.7 for 全系列
新版 QuickPull V2.0.12 Beta for 全系列
ySMS for 全系列
iSMS 更新,快捷键发短信 for 全系列
免费BB端截屏软件 Capture It更新 1.4 for 全系列
EveryNote2.72 随时随地保存重要信息 for 全系列
BerryBuzz v1.0.25 for BlackBerry_自定义所有LED提醒闪烁颜色 for 全系列
iSMS 用快捷键迅速发短信 for 全系列
照相消音软件 for 全系列
BB端截图软件CaptureIt for 全系列
Blink - LED 彩灯软件 3.0 更新 for 全系列
BerryBuzz自定义LED颜色 for 全系列
快捷发短信qsms for 全键盘
Bitlify--BB上缩短网址的小工具 for 全系列
Cisco System的网络带宽监测程序 for 全系列
BBLight for 全系列
JadBuilder 1.1 正式版 for 全系列
OntoCalendar 3.5.9 短信快速存为日程 for 全系列
BatteryBooster for 全系列
LogMaid for 全系列
Image Morpher 2.2.5 for 全键盘
QuickPull 1.1.2 for 全系列
热键大师(KeyMaster) V1.0.2 for 全系列
e-MobileTodayPro专业版 for 全系列
e-MobileTodayWeather插件 for 8700
Aerize Optimizer 1.0.2 for 全系列
MemoryUp个人汉化版 for 全键盘
shrink it for 全系列
Aerize Card loader 1.2.0 for 全系列
Automichelix Notify for 全系列
Blink 彩灯软件 for 全系列
MultiAlarm 闹钟增强 for 全系列
BenchMarkMagic 系统评测 for 全系列
Color Flash Light for 全系列
BilbyLight for 全系列
shortcut utility for 全系列
QuickWheel for 全系列
BilbyFileLite for 全系列
TinyLock for 全系列
Capture It! for 全系列
BerryAnnoying照相消声 for 全系列
qsms for 全键盘
VoicePhoneTune for 全系列
e-Mobile Today for 全系列
mvoice|通话录音 for 全系列
闪光灯作电筒 for 全系列
蓝牙黑客(MagicBlueHack) for 全系列
VibAndRing for 全系列
超越中文输入法 1.0.12预览版 for 全系列
Data Transfer Monitor流量检测 for 全系列
黑莓中文输入法-正常键盘版 for 全系列
黑莓中文输入法-AZ倒置版 for 全系列
黑莓中文输入法-YZ倒置版 for 全系列
MaxMem|系统优化瘦身 for 全系列
AutoLock for 全系列
BlingBall for 8100
SoftReset for 全系列
BMLight for 全系列
Ringz for 全系列

天窗浏览器(TC Explorer) v2.0.1 - 免费发短信的浏览器 for 全键盘
天窗浏览器(TC Explorer) v2.0.1 - 免费发短信的浏览器 for SureType
3gtan|3g坛 1.0.0015 for 全系列
UCWEB6.3 128k低内存版 for 全键盘
UCWeb6.3 128k for SureType
GooNuu 81/71 目前最强的新闻天气火车飞机综合查询软件 for SureType
GooNuu 8900目前最强的新闻天气火车飞机综合查询软件 for 8900
BOLT浏览器 0.94 for 全系列
Opera Mini 4.2.13918国际版 for 全键盘
BOLT 浏览器 v0.83 汉化版 for 全系列
点讯3G坛 1.0.0002 WIFI版 for 全系列
3G坛BerryMail专版 for 全系列
点讯3G坛 MAXPDA专版 for 全系列
星际浏览器3.0 for 全系列
BerryMail-Opera中国版4.2-st for SureType
BerryMail-Opera中国版4.2 for 全键盘
UCWEB6 for os4.2 for 全键盘
Berrymail UCWeb6 for 全键盘
BerryMail Opera4.2正式版改键 for 全键盘
BerryMail Opera4.2正式版改键 for SureType
Opera mini 4.2 for 全系列
空中Opera 4.2 beta(cmwap) for 全键盘
空中Opera 4.2 beta(cmwap) for SureType
空中Opera 4.2 beta(cmnet) for SureType
空中Opera 4.2 beta(cmnet) for 全键盘
蓝色Opera第三版 for 全键盘
BerryMail Opera 蓝色第3版 for SureType
空中Opera Mini 3.1 for SureType
UCWEB 6.1 for SureType

超越定制版QQ2007 for 全系列
超越定制版MSN 4.0 for 全系列
超越定制版QQ2008 for 全系列
超越定制版飞信 for 全系列
Skype官方Beta版 for 全键盘
IM+ All-in-One Mobile Messenger for 全系列
腾讯密保令牌 Beta1 Build010 for 全系列
BerryFetion 0.5 os4.2+ for 全系列
BerryFetion 0.5 os4.1 for 全系列
WAPFetion支持CMWAP的免登录飞信 for 全系列
Fetion for BlackBerry 1.1.0 for 4.2-4.5 for 全系列
Fetion for BlackBerry 1.1.0 for 4.7 for 全系列
Fetion for BlackBerry 1.1.0 for 4.1 for 全系列
QQ2008 v5.0 全键盘版 for 全键盘
QQ2008 v5.0 ST键盘版 for SureType
QQ2008 v5.0 for 9000/8900/9500 for 全键盘
黑莓飞信软件 BerryFetion 0.3 正式发布 FOR 4.1 for 全系列
黑莓飞信软件 BerryFetion 0.3 正式发布 FOR 4.2及以上机型 for 全系列
嵌入系统GTALK程序BlackPanacea更新 for 全系列
第一款以自带短信管理器收发消息的IM软件BlackPanacea for 全键盘
MSN 5.0.3 for 全系列
BerryMail-QQ2008最终版修复版FOR QWERTY for 全键盘
BerryMail-QQ2008最终版修复版 FOR ST for SureType
Talkonaut-免费网络电话+聊天软件聚合 for 8800
BBFetion 1.0 飞信改进版 for 全系列
BBFetion飞信1.0.18 for 全系列
Instango 2.1.0 for 全系列
飞信 2.0.1 for SureType
飞信 2.0.1 for 全键盘
Windows Live Messenger(MSN) 1.0 for 全系列
BerryMail QQ2008最终版 增强键盘 for SureType
BerryMail QQ2008最终版 for 全键盘
Palringo 汉化版 for SureType
Palringo 汉化版 全键盘 for 全键盘
移动旺旺-正式版 for SureType
移动旺旺-功能限制版 for SureType
移动旺旺-功能限制版 for 全键盘
BerryMail_QQ08_4th-方案一 for SureType
BerryMail_QQ08_4th-方案一 for 全键盘
BerryMail_QQ08_4th-方案二 for SureType
BerryMail_QQ08_4th-方案二 for 全键盘
Fetion 飞信经典版 for 全键盘
Fetion 飞信 1.0.18 for SureType
QQ2007 Final for 全键盘
移动旺旺-正式版 for 全键盘
QQ2007 第四版(最终版) for SureType
Palringo 免费IM for SureType
eBuddy for SureType
MSN 4.0 for 全系列
BerryMail 飞信2.0 for SureType
QQ2008 精简版 for SureType
EQO 1.6.3 for 全系列

GGMusic for 全键盘
Mun Radio|免费网络收音机 for Storm for 9500
Mun Radio|免费网络收音机 for 全系列
Nobex Radio Companion|网络收音机 for 全系列
RadioBee收音机 for 全系列
PocketStreamer for 全系列

投资堂 高级会员版 for 全系列
投资堂 免费版 for 全系列
财达证券同花顺完美交易 For 83or87 for 全键盘
国信证券的金太阳炒股软件 for 全系列
同花顺高端版for8320 for 全键盘
同花顺高端版for8700 for 全键盘
国信证券金太阳 for 全系列
大智慧 3.21 for 全键盘
投资通2.7版 官方黑莓版 for 全系列
大智慧 for 全系列

GGBook 1.2.5 在线看书 for 全键盘
GGBook 1.2.5 在线看书 for SureType
飞库在线阅读器1.5 for 全键盘
飞库在线阅读器1.5 for SureType
翻盖珍珠黑莓8220完美软件之百阅 for 8220
eReader Pro读书软件 for 全系列
V8booker 2.4.8|在线海量阅读-全键盘 for 全键盘
V8booker 2.4.8|在线海量阅读-ST for SureType
Viigo 3.0.864 for 全系列
又一款RSS软件-NEWSGATOR GO for 全系列
Shu8Online书吧在线看书 for 全键盘
V8书客-st for SureType
V8书客 for 全键盘
FreeRange for 全系列

乐图 2.0 离线地图版 for 全系列
乐图 2.0 在线地图版 for 全系列
Wizi SMS|在SMS中增加GPS功能 for 全系列
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D. 英语有关颜色的词

call white black /call black white:混淆是非
black money:黑钱(指来源不正当而且没有向政府报税的钱)
black tie:黑领结;小礼服
in the black:盈利、赚钱、顺差英语词汇网 www.wbw.com.cn 20070216211446

black and blue:遍体鳞伤的
black sheep: 害群之马
black Friday:耶稣受难日;不吉利的星期五
black lie:用心险恶的谎言
blackmail:勒索英语词汇网 www.wbw.com.cn 20070216211446

the pot calls the kettle black:五十步笑百步
white war:没有硝烟的战争,常指“经济竞争”
white sale:大减价
white money:银币英语词汇网 www.wbw.com.cn 20070216211446

white elephant:无用而累赘的东西
white crow:罕见的事物
the white way:白光大街(指城里灯光灿烂的商业区)
a white lie:善意的谎言
white coffee:牛奶咖啡英语词汇网 www.wbw.com.cn 20070216211446

white feather:胆怯
Oh, don't forget Black and White, which means 白纸黑字
蓝带( Blue Ribbon)
a color reserved for the use of a royal or imperial ruler,为皇家而专用的颜色。
born of a kingly or princely family,意为"出身于帝王之家,出身高贵"。
green house effect(温室效应),

E. 大数据可以做什么




F. 汉译英~求高人翻译下面文章~纯手工英语高手帮帮忙~好了追加分~急用~谢谢~

Skyscraper Index - the economic crisis go hand in hand

As a huge economic force for the support of the buildings, skyscrapers often show people and politicians as economic prosperity, a sign of social progress. Some economists hold the opposite view that the emergence of skyscrapers, especially the skyscrapers of the record is refreshed, often indicates that the economy will decline.
"High-rise built in the day, that is, when the market downturn" is Deutsche Bank Securities analyst Andrew • Lawrence published in 1999, sentenced to a statement. February 15, 2006, Lehman Brothers global economic conference held in Beijing, the Llewellyn, chief global economist of clients referred to the "skyscraper index" of prophecy: "If the global economic crisis has the possibility of It is likely in 2007 or 2008. "
Lehman's chief economist predicted the 2007 economic crisis in 2008, but did not expect Lehman's centennial is in this crisis evaporated. The economy, the skyscraper is the glory or the curse? With the economic crisis, there is really so close between the link?
In 1999, Andrew • Lawrence skyscrapers study are associated with the economic crisis, and this association known as the "skyscraper index." A new world record for every rise of skyscrapers, often accompanied by economic recession. Since the beginning of the 20th century, there were four rounds of the world of skyscrapers heat, and each time, are accompanied by economic crisis or financial turmoil.
20th century, 20 years, the U.S. economy turns for the better, the stock market again unprecedented prosperity, civil, commercial real estate construction triumph. During this period, three successively record the construction of skyscrapers. New York 40 Wall Street, Chrysler Building and the Empire State Building in succession from 1929 to 1931 for completion in three years, but the attendant prosperity is not new, but the unprecedented Great Depression. After being Americans called "golden age" of the 20th century, 60 years strong, sustained economic prosperity, the New York World Trade Center and the Sears Tower in Chicago began construction. 1972 and 1974, two new world record again, skyscrapers have been built, then there was a serious global economic stagflation.
Skyscrapers and so closely associated with the economic crisis, it is difficult to understand the coincidence, then what is the reason for the economic crisis, it always go hand in hand with the skyscrapers?
First of all, human nature. Among human side of the blind self-confidence. Embodied in the lack of knowledge of objective things, paranoia in the subjective perceptions of things. Lawrence found that the economic crisis of his links with the skyscraper known as the "Rise of pathological relevance," but such a phenomenon in human society has only existed for far more than a hundred years. Learn from history, we can easily find the course of history in our country, this kind of phenomenon has long been reflected. Shang dynasty flourished, the King Zhou Lu Tai Hing Construction, attracted widespread discontent amongst the ultimate self-immolation in Lutai; height of the Qing Dynasty when Emperor Qianlong built a large scale landscape, leading to national decline ultimately humiliating.
Second, the interests promoted. In business practices, the pursuit of profit is a prerequisite. Before the economic boom, there is usually a low interest rate process, which is transforming the economy to the boom cycle is a prerequisite. In the process of economic prosperity, interest rates relative to earnings expectations for the future people who have always been low. Therefore, the interest will proce a series of pathways, that is, the interests of the aforementioned chain. Economic prosperity and relatively low interest rates, the value of land and capital costs have a direct impact. In land prices, and financial support for business needs posed by the interests of the three factors under the action of the chain, you can set a world record in the skyscraper scheme came into being.
Like at night and day, summer and winter quarter, the economic boom period also exist. The price of any commodity will be the impact of supply and demand. After a storm, the boom-bust, low interest rates, expansion of demand, the rising price of capital, and most people blindly optimistic attitude, which sets to generate the "golden state" constitutes a skyscraper needs, but this state is not sustainable.
So, usually in the economy has entered a recession, just completed skyscrapers; in it really put into use, the economy is likely to have been in deep trouble. This leads to the economic crisis is always hand in hand with the construction of skyscrapers, often become dead to the world's first building boom of the monument.


G. MS-SQL查询:显示同一天内多行数据的总和

首先你的意思 其实是分组求和的意思,对日期进行分组,对金额进行求和,那么这样就存在一个问题:你是想求和之后每一天 都只显示一条求和后的数据是吧,那么你的第二列 就不应该显示,因为同一天里的多条数据里面,第二列是不同的,不能进行分组。那么排除第二列后就好办了:

SELECT longhuDate ,longhuYingyesuo ,SUM(longhuBuy) ,SUM(longhuSell) ,SUM(longhuOnly)FROM [stormLonghubang]
where [longhuYingyesuo]='国泰君安证券上海福山路营业部'
GROUP BY longhuDate,longhuYingyesuo

H. 求有关证券市场信息披露或内幕交易或监管方面的英语文章两篇,字数1000就可以了.

Who's Watching Your Back in Stock Market?
Regulators are Supposed to Protect You
Who’s got your back on Wall Street? Who protects you from con games in the stock market and swindling stock brokers? A complicated regulatory structure is in place that watches out for indivial investors.

How well this system works is sometimes subject to debate; however, it works for the vast majority of investors. Although when we read about market specialist firms at the New York Stock Exchange paying $240 million plus in fines for trading their interests over ours, it is hard to see how the system is protecting us.

If you read about mutual firm executives, trading after the market closes for their own accounts (a big no-no) or a stockbroker trading an elderly person’s retirement account away, it makes you wonder where the watchdogs are.
Highly Regulated
Nevertheless, the securities instry is one of the most highly regulated businesses in the United States.

The U.S.Congress is at the top of the heap. It created most of the structure and it passes major laws that affect how the instry operates. It also authorizes budgets for the Securities and Exchange Commission and other agencies involved in regulatory ties.

The SEC is the top regulatory agency responsible for overseeing the securities instry. It registers new securities and handles all the filings that public companies must make, such as annual and quarterly reports.
The SEC also oversees all of the stock exchanges and any organization connected with the selling of securities. It also has a strong anti-fraud unit that monitors advertising and marketing to make sure companies comply with strict rules concerning the sale of securities.

At the next level is the Financial Instry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). It was created in 2007 when the National Association of Securities Dealers merged with the regulatory functions of the New York Stock Exchange. This is an instry self-regulatory body that is responsible for policing the securities instry.

FINRA set standards for stockbrokers and other instry professionals and licenses them after comprehensive examinations.
No Toothless Dog
FINRA is not a toothless group. They have the ability to fine indivials and organizations for unethical behavior and can revoke licenses.

The organization is usually the place customers can take complaints of behavior they feel in unethical or illegal. FINRA also monitors trading activities of member firms to detect illegal trading patterns and other illegal activity.

The indivial exchanges also have sophisticated regulatory oversight functions within their own operations. These include monitoring trades and other steps to see that the customer gets a fair deal.
Indivial States
Indivial states also have securities divisions, although they are usually not as sophisticated as FINRA. Often they handle complaints and register securities that will be sold within the boundaries of the state, although this will vary from state to state.

The final step of protection is at the brokerage level. Each firm is required to keep certain records and perform certain checks and audits of the operation to make sure their brokers are operating within acceptable legal and ethical guidelines.
Does all of this regulation guarantee that you won’t get ripped off? No, but you can feel reasonably comfortable that if you use some common sense about who you do business with, you won’t get burned.

Insider dealing makes a comeback

Frustrated market watchdogs have managed only one successful prosecution in five years

There is growing concern that regulations to combat insider dealing are proving insufficient to deal with the problem. The gap between the number of suspected cases identified by the London Stock Exchange and the number the Department of Trade and Instry (DTI) ends up pursuing in the courts is widening.

There is growing concern that regulations to combat insider dealing are proving insufficient to deal with the problem. The gap between the number of suspected cases identified by the London Stock Exchange and the number the Department of Trade and Instry (DTI) ends up pursuing in the courts is widening.

The issue came under the spotlight last week when the Stock Exchange began examining two share purchases - a £20,000 investment by the editor of the Daily Mirror, Piers Morgan, and the acquisition of £23m of Marks & Spencer stock by the wife of retail entrepreneur Philip Green.

Mr Morgan bought shares in Alan Sugar's Viglen the day before the Mirror tipped the stock, but he has said he did not know the company would be featured. Christina Green made her purchases a few days before her husband indicated he would mount a bid for M&S, although she maintains she had Takeover Panel approval.

The issue goes deeper than these two high profile cases. Recent months have thrown up dozens of examples of share prices soaring ahead of the publication of market sensitive "good news". In these days of big deals and even bigger advisory teams, the list of potential insiders is huge - corporate financiers, public relations consultants, traders and key employees of companies are all routinely privy to lucrative confidential information.

Insider dealing, once famously described as a "victimless crime" by Sir Martin Jacomb, then chairman of BZW, is nothing of the sort. The Stock Exchange has a team of 12 monitoring trading patterns and identifying suspected insider dealers, precisely because perfect markets operate only when both parties to a contract have access to the same information. If a buyer has privileged information suggesting that a share price will rise, the seller loses out on those future gains.

Proving insider dealing remains difficult and convictions have been few. From 1981, when a criminal offence of insider dealing was introced, to 1993 just 51 people were charged. Only 23 were convicted - most because they pleaded guilty.

The biggest fish caught was Geoffrey Collier, former head of securities at Morgan Grenfell, who in 1987 was fined £25,000 and given a 12-month suspended sentence after admitting using confidential information to buy shares before a bid.

Since the offence was incorporated into the Criminal Justice Act from 1993, the number of prosecutions has collapsed. DTI investigations have led to just one successful prosecution in the past five years.

This has happened despite the Stock Exchange installing some of the most sophisticated technology. IMAS - Integrated Monitoring and Surveillance System - compares every trade against a model of normal trading for a given stock or sector, and immediately flags up anything out of the ordinary.

Stock Exchange insiders privately talk of their frustration. They are now mounting major investigations into more than 100 suspect trades a year, and referring between 30 and 40 to the DTI - double the number in the early Nineties. "There is a sense of frustration that it is so difficult and that the legislation just hasn't kept up with what is going on in the market," said a source.

"We are aware that, when issues like the Mirror come up, people will want to be sure that we can point to a good record, but we can't. We put the effort in and do the referrals, but don't see any come back."

Part of the problem has been the explosion in bulletin boards - internet sites where investors swap market tips and information. For instance, the Time Warner merger with AOL was trailed on a US bulletin board days before its announcement, as was the internet giant's deal with EMI. The date of an announcement on the Glaxo Wellcome/SmithKline Beecham merger was forecast two weeks in advance on the internet.

Bulletin boards began among US retail investors, and they have taken the UK by storm in the last six months. About 10,000 comments are posted every day.

Andrew Yates has set up his own company, called digitallook.com, to monitor these bulletin boards. He said they contain a small but growing amount of insider information among the dross. "If somebody knows something and has already traded on the back of it, they may decide to share it with others. That is the power and danger of bulletin boards," he said. "It is difficult to know who is posting this information, because they are all anonymous. But more and more City professionals, market makers and bankers are using the boards."

The Financial Services Authority (FSA) is set to assume new powers that could help. It will have the ability to tackle market abuse or manipulation through civil cases, requiring a less onerous burden of proof.

These powers have been designed to plug other gaps in the rules, in particular the spreading false information to "ramp" a stock before selling it on. Ramping has become a serious concern in recent months as the suspicion grows that traders are using the anonymity of the Net bulletin boards to generate inflated share prices.

However, the Treasury believes that a broad definition of "market abuse" could embrace insider dealing, allowing the FSA to bring more insider dealers to justice than at present under the criminal legislation.



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